Kerry Greer PhD
phone: 604–827–0668Kerry Greer focuses on finding ways to connect UBC students to the community. She integrates service-learning into several courses, and continuously works to build relationships with community organizations, and to connect students with opportunities to work with organizations. She co-taught the UEFS in 2015, 2017, 2018, and 2020.

Ana Vivaldi
Ana Vivaldi’s interdisciplinary research brings politics of indigeneity and race into inquiries on the social production of space, mobilities, and embodiment. Through the use of ethnographic and visual methodologies it clarifies questions surrounding indigenous sovereignties, and emergent forms of urban conviviality, in particular, the way mobility among marginalized populations shapes social and spatial assemblages that challenge subordination. She received her Ph.D. Department of Anthropology at UBC in 2016. Along with her research in Argentina, she has worked in popular education, in collaboration with indigenous organizations, the environmental movement, and in Museum interpretation. She was a TA and Community Liaison for the field school for two years and a co-instructor in 2013, 2014, and 2016.vivalanadi@gmail.com

Thomas Kemple PhD
Tom Kemple is interested in how the classroom can be a fieldsite in its own right: how is the university classroom already a part of the world, and how can we expand the study of theories and methods to include experiential learning and service learning in a variety of institutional and everyday settings? He is former Chair of the Arts One and Coordinated Arts Programs, and often teaches a Global Seminar in Guatemala. Dr. Kemple co-taught the Field School in 2013, 2014, 2016, and 2019.
Heather Holroyd
Heather Holroyd was involved in the planning and delivery of the Field School from 2012 until the completion of her PhD in 2016. Her dissertation research, an ethnographic study of the social and economic experiences of immigrant women who participated in an employment and leadership skills settlement program at two Vancouver Neighbourhood Houses, was inspired by her work as a teaching assistant and community liaison for the Field School. Since completing her PhD, Heather has applied her community-based experience and research skills to staff, consulting, and volunteer roles at non-profit organizations and agencies while continuing to teach part-time.heather.holroyd@ubc.ca

Alexia Bloch
Alexia Bloch has research and teaching interests in migration, cross-cultural research, and ethnographic methods, and she enjoys working with students at the intersection of these areas. Alexia was integral in inaugurating the field school in 2010, co-teaching in it that year, as well as in 2011. Alexia is delighted to continue to serve as a faculty advisor to the field school.
Patrick Moore PhD
Patrick Moore co-taught UEFS in 2017, 2018, and 2020 with Kerry Greer and in 2019 with Thomas Kemple. Patrick is a professor in the Department of Anthropology specializing in Indigenous languages.patrick.moore@ubc.ca

Amanda Cheong
Amanda Cheong is a sociologist who studies migration and legal status, with a focus on undocumented, stateless, and refugee communities. Back when she was an undergraduate student at UBC, she was part of the inaugural cohort of the field school in 2010, and served as an Alumnae Liaison in 2011.